Monday, 8 November 2010

My name is Donkey

Today I teach my first class. Phalla and I have already talked a lot about what he wants and needs from me. I am after all his first volunteer through SAFE. His priority is to free some of his time by helping his young teachers improve their English and lesson planning skills. I will be doing this every day for two or three hours throughout my stay. Then I will observe and assist with teaching at schools in different villages. This way I can meet the children, help them with correct pronunciation, and introduce new ideas (and games!). I think my mere presence in the various local classes is a present to the children, particularly those living in some of the most remote villages. Their enthusiasm and receptiveness was apparent on Saturday. I can’t wait to meet all of them.

My teachers’ class takes place at the Pagoda school, about a kilometre away from Phalla’s village. I am so happy to be back on this wonderful site.

I start by introducing my self in Khmer. As I do this there are some serious, almost expressionless faces and some giggles on the other side of the class. Now Phalla also giggles and stands up to explain that Lia in Cambodia means donkey.

So I stand up and say:

‘My name is Donkey but you can call me Ass’.

The young teachers


  1. Teacher...Can I call you gaidouri? Grande lia, I like your sense of humor.. take care..

  2. Ha ha you know I am a Gaidouri my Cesarito. My mind thinks so at least . love you xxx

  3. Ti omorfo gaidouraki omws... :) xxx Filakia mpoukitsa mou!
